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L'INSHS publie un appel de Soutien à la mobilité internationale entrante - SMI 2021

Dans le cadre de sa politique internationale, l’InSHS propose un soutien à la mobilité internationale entrante (SMI entrant), ayant pour objectif d’accueillir, au sein des unités de recherche dont le CNRS est tutelle ou cotutelle, des chercheurs / enseignants-chercheurs étrangers souhaitant développer une collaboration avec une unité de recherche du CNRS en France.

CNRS and Imperial College London expand partnership

In addition to existing collaborations within the CNRS-Imperial International Research Laboratory in mathematics, IRL Abraham De Moivre, CNRS and Imperial have launched two bilateral programmes to further strengthen their cooperation and extend its perimeter.

Towards a partnership in humanities and social sciences at the University of Warsaw

The CNRS Research Officer, Alain Schuhl, travelled to Warsaw (Poland) on the 21st of February 2020 to sign a letter of intent for the establishement of a center in humanities and social sciences resulting from the transformation of the "Centre for French Civilisation and Francophone Studies" (CCFEF) of the University of Warsaw, on the basis of what has already been accomplished by the University of Warsaw, Sorbonne University and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Japanese short-term Fellowships

The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) offers every year 7 pre or post-doctoral fellowships for short-term stays (from 1 to 12 months) in japanese research laboratories.

Meeting with the Advisors and Attachés for Science and Technology of foreign embassies in Paris

La Direction Europe de la Recherche et Coopération internationale (DERCI) a organisé, le 30 janvier 2020 au siège du CNRS, une réunion des Conseillers et Attachés pour la science et technologie (CAST) des Ambassades étrangères à Paris. On January 30th 2020, the European Research and International Cooperation Department (DERCI) organized a meeting with the Advisers and Attachés for Science and Technology of foreign embassies in Paris.
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