
Online conference “Making Europe a leader in AI: in conversation with Venki Ramakrishnan, Antoine Petit and Martin Stratmann”

Publié le 08 October 2020
La Royal Society (RS) a organisé le 7 octobre dernier une conférence virtuelle avec la Max Planck (MPG) et le CNRS sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA). On October 7th , the Royal Society (RS) organized an online event on artificial intelligence (AI) with the Max Planck Society (MPG) and the CNRS.

Venki Ramakrishnan (RS), Martin Stratmann (MPG), and  Antoine Petit (CNRS) presented their vision on the challenges of AI and Europe’s ability to become a leader in this field.

The debate that followed, led by three AI experts – Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford), Stéphane Mallat (Collège de France) et Nuria Oliver (Vodafone and ELLIS “The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems” Network on AI), highlighted the opportunities to be seized and the weaknesses to be overcome in order to strengthen AI research in Europe.

A replay of the conference is available here.

A summary note of the event is available here.

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