
Meeting between Antoine Petit and Ms. Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of the Italian National Research Council

Publié le 08 septembre 2021
Antoine Petit a reçu le 7 septembre 2021 une délégation du Conseil National de la Recherche Italien, conduite par sa présidente, Madame Maria Chiara Carrozza. Antoine Petit has received on September 7th 2021 a delegation of the Italian National Research Council, led by its President, Ms. Maria Chiara Carrozza.

This meeting allowed to resume exchanges with this major strategic partner of the CNRS (the CNR is the 2nd European partner of the CNRS in terms of projects number within the Horizon 2020 programme). It is indeed the first bilateral meeting between the CNRS CEO and Ms. Carrozza, who was recently appointed President of the CNR.

On this occasion, the CNRS reaffirmed its willingness to pursue and reinforce transalpine collaboration and to act in a concerted way at European level.

In this perspective, the CNRS and CNR are planning to organize a seminar that will take place at the end of this year, gathering French and Italian companies. It will aim at developing collaborations between academic research and companies, in order to build collaborative research consortia to respond to European calls for projects.

It should also be noted that the CNR delegation has been the first one to be received face-to-face at the CNRS headquarters since the beginning of the sanitary crisis, in March 2020.

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