
Results of the PhD Joint Programme between CNRS and the University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Publié le 19 avril 2022
Sélection de 5 projets scientifiques conjoints entre le CNRS et l’UCPH dans le cadre du PhD Joint Programme, à la suite du lancement de l’appel à projet lancé en décembre 2021 Selection of 5 joint scientific projects between CNRS and UCPH in the framework of the PhD Joint Programme, following the launch of the call for projects in December 2021.

In the framework of bilateral dialogues with major players in global research, the first joint PhD call between CNRS and UCPH resulted in the submission of twenty projects of high quality and diversity. Five projects were selected in the fields of chemistry, environmental and biological sciences, mathematics and physics, which will reinforce the CNRS-UCPH links, the partnership being presently centered around the International Research Laboratory (IRP) “Advancing Methods in Ancient DNA for Environmental and Evolution History – AMADEUS”, the International Research Network (IRN) “Radicalization and violent extremism – RADEX” and the newly created IRN “Mathematics in Denmark & France – MDF”.
Each joint project selected at the CNRS will allow the financing of a 3-year doctoral scholarship and mobility between France and Denmark.

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