
Results of the PhD Joint Program between CNRS and the University of Tokyo

Publié le 01 February 2023
Le CNRS et l’Université de Tokyo ont sélectionné cinq projets à l’issue de la nouvelle campagne de doctorats conjoints/ The CNRS and the University of Tokyo have selected five projects from their new joint PhD program.

This second joint call between CNRS and the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) resulted in the submission of a dozen high-quality projects. A joint selection committee chaired by Nobuhito SAITO, executive vice-president of UTokyo, and Alain SCHUHL, CNRS Deputy CEO for Science , selected the five projects in the fields of seismology, physics and engineering.

The CNRS initiates bilateral dialogues with major players in world research through “PhD Joint Programmes” allowing the financing of doctoral scholarships and mobility over 3 years between the two teams.

More information on CNRS PhD joint programs :

PhD Joint Programs, la science en réseaux [FR]


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PhD joint programmes - édition 2024

Le CNRS initie des dialogues bilatéraux avec les grands acteurs de la recherche mondiale autour de « PhD Joint Programmes ». Chaque projet conjoint sélectionné permettra le financement d’une bourse doctorale sur 3 ans, et de mobilité entre la France et le pays partenaire. Retrouvez les appels ouverts en 2025 // The CNRS initiates bilateral dialogues with major players in world research through "PhD Joint Programmes". Each selected joint project will provide funding for a 3-year PhD scholarship, and mobility between France and the partner country. Find out more about the calls open in 2025