
2nd JSPS Standard Call

Publié le 14 février 2023
​La Société Japonaise pour la Promotion de la Science (JSPS) propose pour cet appel 8 bourses postdoctorales pour des séjours d’une durée de 12 mois à 24 mois. (Date limite 20 avril 2023) // The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) offers 8  Standard fellowships for young researchers who want to spend 12 to 24 months (Deadline April 20, 2023)

This call allows young researchers to carry out a research internship in a Japanese laboratory under the direction of the head of the laboratory, and to extend their relations and the possibilities of exchanges on an international level. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) offers 8 Standard fellowships for young researchers who want to spend 12 to 24 months for a research internship in a Japanese laboratory. The grants are intended for post-doctoral fellows who defended their thesis less than 6 years ago (after 2 April 2017). The fellowships are intended for young researchers of French nationality or young foreign researchers who have defended their thesis in France and can prove that they have been working for at least three years in a university or research organisation in France. All disciplines are concerned. JSPS entrusted CNRS with the evaluation and selection of fellows.

Deadline for application:  20 April 2023

To download documents related to the call, kindly go to CNRS calls for proposal page

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