
5th French-Polish Forum for Research and Innovation

Publié le 27 November 2019
Dans le cadre de l’année scientifique France-Pologne, Jacques Maddaluno, directeur de l’Institut de Chimie du CNRS, a ouvert le 5ième Forum franco-polonais de la recherche et de l’innovation, qui a eu lieu à Varsovie le 19 novembre 2019.

In the framework of the France-Poland scientific year, Jacques Maddaluno, Director of the CNRS Institute of Chemistry, opened the 5th French-Polish Forum for Research and Innovation, which took place in Warsaw on November 19, 2019. This major event, organized by the French Embassy in Poland and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, was preceded by some fifty events, symposia, meetings and projects, and was the culmination of the year, which shed light on the wealth of scientific collaborations between the two countries. In terms of scientific co-publications, the CNRS is indeed the first partner of Poland at the global level, with 50% of French-Polish co-publications co-signed by research units affiliated to the CNRS. The participation of Jacques Maddaluno in the round table on the “cooperation between research and innovative industry, and the institutional tools to develop innovation” highlighted the key role that the CNRS Institute of Chemistry plays in the valorization and the innovation of research results, particularly in the area of patents and start-ups. This event also provided  the opportunity of awarding the “French-Polish scientific prize Marie Sklodowska and Pierre Curie” and reviewing the PHC Polonium programme.

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