
The CNRS renews its cooperation with Egypt by signing a framework agreement with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Publié le 30 November 2023
Le CNRS et la Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypte) ont signé le 24 novembre 2023 à Paris un accord-cadre visant à renouveler leur coopération scientifique. // On 24 November 2023 in Paris, the CNRS and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt) signed a framework agreement aimed at renewing their scientific cooperation.

Antoine Petit received an Egyptian delegation from the Bibliotheca Alexandrina at the CNRS headquarters in Paris to sign a new framework cooperation agreement in the presence of the Egyptian Ambassador to France and representatives from the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR). This agreement marks the willingness of the CNRS and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to pursue and renew their collaboration. This could, among other things, take the form of sharing information and documentation, producing online documentary databases and implementing joint research programmes.

During this meeting, Antoine Petit and Prof. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, formalised their wish to pursue and strengthen existing collaborations, and to explore future possibilities for diversifying areas of cooperation, in an interdisciplinary dynamic.

The signing of this framework agreement is part of a history of solid cooperation between the CNRS and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, notably via the Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales (CEDEJ), a joint unit of French research institutes abroad (UMIFRE) based in Cairo and co-supervised by the CNRS and the MEAE. An initial agreement signed in 2009 and subsequently renewed and supplemented by specific agreements, has provided a framework for large-scale projects such as the digitisation of CEDEJ’s documentary holdings (press cuttings and caricatures). These digitised, open-access collections constitute a valuable database for researchers.

Antoine Petit received an Egyptian delegation from the Bibliotheca Alexandrina at the CNRS headquarters in Paris for a signing ceremony, in the presence of the Egyptian Ambassador to France and representatives of the French MEAE and MESR – ©CNRS

The signing of this agreement is also part of a broader context of Franco-Egyptian scientific cooperation, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. The success of the cooperation between the CNRS and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina illustrates the smooth functioning of existing scientific collaboration between French and Egyptian researchers and institutions.

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