
6th Joint Call from the EIG CONCERT-Japan : Announcement of Selected Projects

Publié le 03 janvier 2020
L’EIG CONCERT-Japan est heureux d’annoncer les résultats de son 6ème appel à propositions de recherche sur le thème « Gestion intelligente de l’eau pour une société durable ».

The European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan is pleased to reveal the results of its 6th Joint Call for research projects on the theme “Smart Water Management for Sustainable Society”.

The 5 projects selected for a 3-years funding period are: 

RealMethod “Removal of obstacles in widespread application of membrane technology: toward smart water management in future cities”

Coordinator: Prof. Katsuki KIMURA, Hokkaido University, Japan

Japan, Germany, France, Turkey

SuWaCer “Sustainable Water Reclamation Based on Ceramic Membrane Filtration”

Coordinator: Dr. Ceyda Zeynep Koyuncu, Marmara Research Center, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Turkey

Japan, Turkey, Slovakia

SoilWater “Soil Eco-Technology to Recover Water Storage in disturbed Forests”

Coordinator: Prof. Jan FROUZ, Biology centre CAS, Czech Republic

Japan, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia

SMART-WaterDomain “Framework for Organisational Decision-Making Process in Water Reuse for Smart Cities”

Coordinator: Dr. Serena Caucci, UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources, Germany

Japan, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia

InLEDapp “Innovative UV-LED applications to drinking water and wastewater treatment systems for sustainable water management in future communities”

Coordinator: Dr. Jutta Eggers, German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water, Germany

Japan, Germany, Czech Republic

The European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan is an international joint initiative to support and enhance science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation between European countries and Japan. It was an ERA-NET project from 2011 to 2014, but the collaboration continues independently of EU support since 2015.  The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is the coordinator of the EIG CONCERT-Japan and the CNRS hosts the Joint Call Secretariat (JCS). The CNRS is actively participating in the funding of the French research teams involved in the selected research proposals.

For more information please visit www.concert-japan.eu

Contact: Joint Call Secretariat concert-japan-jcs@cnrs.fr +33 (0) 1 44 96 40 11

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