
15 new projects funded in the framework of PhD Joint programs with the United States and Canada

Publié le 22 February 2023
Ces PhD Joint Programmes ont fait l’objet d’une sélection conjointe entre le CNRS et l’Université de Toronto (Canada), l’Université d’Arizona (USA) ainsi que l’Université de Chicago (USA).// These PhD Joint Programmes were selected jointly by the CNRS and the University of Toronto (Canada), the University of Arizona (USA) and the University of Chicago (USA).

The objective of the PhD Joint Programmes is to have two teams, one French, the other international, work on a common project and to encourage the mobility of young researchers. They allow funding of doctoral grants and mobility for 3 years.

All fields of science are concerned, notably biology, chemistry, humanities and social sciences, and engineering sciences.

The calls were launched within the framework of privileged institutional partnerships with these three major partners in North America. These strategic alliances have also led to the creation of two international research centers (IRC): the France-Arizona Institute for Global Grand Challenges, established in 2021 with the University of Arizona, and the International Research Center for Fundamental Scientific Discovery, created in 2022 with the University of Chicago.

See the list of laureates here 

More information on the CNRS PhD joint programs: PhD Joint Programs, la science en réseaux [FR]


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