
Call for applications : CNRS – Imperial College London PhD Joint Program (Deadline : 20th January 2023)

Publié le 26 October 2022
Le CNRS et Imperial College London lancent un appel PhD dont le thème de cette année est la Science et la technologie transformationnelles.CNRS and Imperial College London launch PhD call under the theme of Transformational Science and Technology. 

The call is intended to be open to all areas of science, technology, engineering and medicine.

Eligibility :

– Scientists from Imperial who can supervise PhD students; researchers working in a CNRS unit holding an accreditation to supervise PhD students (HDR);

– A Principal Investigator cannot submit more than one application in the framework of this call

Funding : 5000 euros/year during 5 years.

Deadline : 20th January 2023

Download the documents for the call below :

Imperial College London – CNRS PhD Joint Program Call

Imperial College London – CNRS PhD Joint Program – Application Form


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