
Results of the PhD Joint Programme between the CNRS and the University of Arizona

Publié le 05 May 2021
Dans le contexte de création du premier International Research Center (IRC) entre le CNRS et l'Université d'Arizona,un appel d’offre conjoint avait été lancé pour financer des projets de recherche communs aux deux institutions sous forme de financements de thèses. Within the framework of the creation of the first international research center (IRC) between the CNRS and the University of Arizona, a joint call to fund common research projects, in the form of doctoral fellowships, has been launched.

After an independent evaluation of the 67 projects by the two institutions, which revealed the large number of ongoing cooperation, the two institutions have selected 6 projects in line with the scientific challenges of the pioneering IRC structure.

These projects reveal the diversity of the laboratories involved in collaborations with the University of Arizona. Indeed, these projects fall under 5 different CNRS institutes: INEEnvironnement, INPhysics, INSBiology, INSHS (humanities and social sciences), INSUniverse, and come from laboratories in Paris, Lyon, Montpellier and Bordeaux. The projects leader are 7 females and 5 males.

At the University of Arizona, these 6 projects come from 5 different Colleges: College of Science (Departments of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and of Astronomy and Steward Observatory), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Department of Environmental Science), College of Humanities (Department of French and Italian), and College of Optical Sciences.

Read more about the selected projects

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