
CNRS and Imperial College London consolidate their partnership

Publié le 13 April 2021
Le CNRS initie et consolide des dialogues bilatéraux avec les grands acteurs de la recherche mondiale autour de ses « PhD Joint Programmes ». The CNRS initiates and consolidates bilateral dialogues with major international scientific players around its « PhD Joint Programmes ».

The second call for the PhD Joint Programme between the CNRS and Imperial College London, open to all disciplines, has just ended. This year, six joint research projects were selected, in mathematics, physics and chemistry:

– “Infrared frequency metrology” – AMY KLEIN Anne (CNRS UMR7538) et TARBUTT Michael (Imperial)

– “Geometry, dualities and the string landscape” – GRANA Mariana (CNRS UMR3681) et WALDRAM Daniel (Imperial)

– “Towards a Quantitative Mean Field Game Framework for Pedestrian Dynamics” – ULLMO Denis (CNRS UMR8626) et KALISE Dante (Imperial)

– “Bayesian nonparametrics for high-dimensional statistical inference” – CASTILLO Ismaël (CNRS UMR8001) et RAY Kolyan (Imperial)

– “Rigidity and Thurston theory in complex dynamics” – SCHLEICHER Dierk (CNRS UMR7373) et VAN STRIEN Sebastian (Imperial)

– “Achieving switchable molecular devices through nanoscale engineering of functional substrates” – ROSA Patrick (CNRS UMR5026) et HEUTZ Sandrine (Imperial)

This programme will allow recruiting 12 PhD candidates (6 at the CNRS et 6 at Imperial), which will reinforce the CNRS-Imperial links, the partnership being mainly centered around the International Research Laboratory (IRL) “Abraham de Moivre” in mathematics and the International Research Network (IRN) “Quantum Fields and Strings” in physics.

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