
Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA)

Publié le 14 June 2019
Sur les 42 lauréats des deux appels MOPGA 2017 et 2018 pour les séjours de chercheurs de 3 à 5 ans, 37 vont développer leur activité de recherche dans des Unités mixtes de recherche (UMR) du CNRS.

37 researchers out of the 42 laureates who applied to a 3 to 5 years research stay in France thanks to the 2017 & 2018 MOPGA calls for proposals will develop their resarch activities in a CNRS joint unit.The CNRS played a major role in implementing the call wich was launched in July 2017 on the initiative of the French President Emmanuel Macron (definition of the scientific themes of the call, evaluation and pre-selection of the candidates before they apply to the call at the National Research Agency, support to the laureates for their stay in France and link with the scientific community in partnership with Germany).

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