Ongoing calls – January 2023

On going calls for proposals agenda. Find all the informations related to these calls at this page → CNRS calls for proposals 

Call for proposal : SALTO in partnership with Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Germany) 

Eligibility : young scientist – doctorates and post-doc – employed at the CNRS unit 
Discipline : All 
Objective : intensify collaborations between two institutions and contribute  reinforcing excellence in
Deadline : 18th January 2023

“PhD Joint Program” with Imperial College London (United Kingdom)

Eligibility : researchers working at CNRS unit holding authorization to supervise doctoral students (HDR) 
Discipline : All
Objective : Joint doctorate (Joint PhD) funding in order to carry out research project for 3 years. 
Deadline : 20th January 2023

Call for proposals : CNRS – FAPESP 2022 with Sao Paulo (Brazil) 

Eligibility : CNRS researchers, academics and researchers from other organizations working in a CNRS research unit (the participation of doctoral students and postdocs is an important criterion in the evaluation of the project)
Discipline : All
Objective : intensify scientific cooperations between the State of Sao Paulo and Brazil. 
Deadline : 30th January 2023

Call for proposal AMORCE 2023 for collaborative projects (Horizon Europe) 

Eligibility : researchers, teacher-researchers and teacher-researchers of CNRS research units
Discipline : All 
Objective : support those who wish to submit, as coordinator, a collaborative project to receive European funding from Horizon Europe.
Deadline : 31st January 2023

Calls for proposals to reinforce scientific cooperations with Africa

  • Residential research schools 
  • Visiting fellowships
  • Joint Research program in Africa 

Deadline : 20th February 2023