The CNRS opens three calls for projects to reinforce its scientific cooperation with Africa

As indicated in the CNRS multi-year cooperation plan with Africa, the objectives are to meet the different needs expressed by our scientific communities as well as the priorities set by African partners.

These three calls for projects are open until February 20th 2023

Residential research schools
This call concerns the organization of residential research schools in a partner institution in Africa, with the aim of facilitating the transfer of knowledge by combining courses ranging from basic concepts to the most advanced research results, as well as master’s tools and methodology.

Download the call here

Visiting fellowships
This call aims to facilitate the connection of two researchers at the beginning of their career, one from a CNRS laboratory and the other from an African academic institution. A grant of eight (8) to twelve (12) weeks is granted with a mandatory residential stay in the laboratory of the project leader in France.

Download the call here

Joint Research Programme in Africa
Each funded program will bring together two (2) Principal Investigators (PIs), one affiliated with a CNRS laboratory and the other working in an African academic institution. An annual residential stay (minimum of three months) will take place in the laboratory of the African partner. It will include assistance with mobility and accommodation on both sides, in France for the African researcher and in Africa for the French researcher, as well as a thesis scholarship and missions.

Dowloand the call here