First workshop of the CNRS – Imperial International Research Centre

The aim of the workshop, held at the CNRS headquarters, was to identify common scientific orientations and projects to be implemented in the many scientific fields covered by the International Research Centre (IRC), such as mathematics, computer science, chemistry, engineering, quantum physics and health.

Working groups were structured around three main themes – health, sustainability and connectivity – during which the scientists discussed their work and raised the possibilities for joint research. The existing collaborations between the two institutions served as a basis for these various exchanges and appeared to be incubators for future projects, designed according to interdisciplinary approaches. At the end of the two days, the groups presented their conclusions in the presence of the heads of both institutions, formulating recommendations and directions for future IRC projects.

Restitution des groupes de travail en présence d’Antoine Petit (CNRS) et de Mary Ryan (Imperial College London)

Finally, this workshop was the occasion to select the five winning projects (in biology, engineering, mathematics and physics) of the fourth call for the CNRS-Imperial joint PhD programme.

Inaugurated in April 2022, the CNRS-Imperial College London International Research Centre offers the two institutions a privileged institutional mechanism to collaborate on major common research issues, notably through the establishment of international research laboratories, research projects, thematic networks and joint PhD programmes, as well as to create a space for high-level institutional dialogue.

Working group on health

More information on the CNRS-Imperial IRC