G6 joint declaration in favor of Human Rights safeguard in IRAN

The G6 strongly calls for freedom and protection for women, men, young people, students, researchers, teachers, activists, citizens regardless their nationality, religion or belief.

Given these non-negotiable principles and recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations – specifically the article 18 and 19 on freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression – the G6 expresses dismay and bewilderment at the serious violations of human rights in Iran: a terrible spiral of violence originating from the death of Mahsa Amini, with the violent repression of the subsequent protest demonstrations.

Close cooperation for the advancement of science and research, which consolidates the alliance between the G6 institutions, recognizes the sovereign principle of peace and scientific diplomacy as the only permissible measures to tear down the walls of iniquity and create new corridors of knowledge.

In a recent statement, Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Council expressed how the EU strongly condemns “the unacceptable violent crackdown of protesters”. As an aggregation of highly representative organizations in the European scientific arena, the G6 shares the position of the EU and is committed to drawing high attention to all forms of abuse in the world.

Download the declaration here (122.71 KB)