Celebration of the CNRS’ 80th anniversary in Russia

To mark the celebration of the CNRS’ 80th anniversary, Mr. Antoine Petit, its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, travelled to Russia on May 13th and 14th, 2019. The purpose of this visit was to highlight the importance of the French-Russian partnership in the international cooperation landscape and state its intention to continue an intense and multidisciplinary bilateral cooperation.

On May 13th, Mrs. Sylvie Bermann, Ambassador of France in Russia, welcomed the CNRS delegation. The reception organized at the Résidence de France in honour of Antoine Petit’s visit and the CNRS’ 80th anniversary brought together eminent representatives of the Russian and French science and enabled exchanges at the highest level.

On May 14, Antoine Petit opened the French-Russian Day of Young Researchers dedicated to 80 years of CNRS in Sochi. This event was co-organized with the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher education and the French Embassy, in the framework of the conference “Science of the Future“, a major manifestation of the Russian scientific life. In his inaugural speech, Antoine Petit underlined “a strong partnership and a lasting friendship that unites our scientific communities” based on the historical links that exist between Russian and French researchers. He highlighted the leading role of the four flagship units located in Russia, namely the Interdisciplinary Center “Poncelet“, the French-Russian Study Center in humanities and social sciences and the two International Research Laboratories on prehistoric art and the evolution of man and the environment, which demonstrate the dynamism and diversity of the bilateral cooperation. Several leading researchers, including Mr. Laurent Lafforgue, Fields Medalist 2002, highlighted the special place of CNRS in the French-Russian scientific landscape.