A real and strong interest was displayed by the CNRS communities to collaborate with researchers in this area of the world. 221 applications were received from laboratories in the 10 CNRS institutes, focusing mainly on collaborations with countries identified as priority countries (70%) in the call for proposals.
This year, 38 projects were selected for their scientific excellence by the institutes and by the CNRS interdisciplinary selection committee, for a funding period lasting from June 2021 to December 2022. Total financial support will reach close to EUR 600,000.
The CNRS is enthusiastic about these projects, which will cover various types of collaborations ranging from individual exchanges between researchers from CNRS units and African universities and research institutions, to the support of students or the organization of seminars and summer schools. The objective is to develop equitable and fair partnerships with Sub-Saharan African countries and to help the creation of consortia.
This call for proposals is also embedded in the CNRS overall strategy for cooperation with African countries and prefigures a roadmap, which will focus on the implementation and management of cooperation with Africa, a continent in full expansion and with strong scientific potential.
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