
Call for projects between the CNRS and Imperial College London

Publié le 06 November 2019
Le CNRS et Imperial College London (Imperial) lancent l’appel à projets conjoint « PhD joint program » dans le domaine des « Mathématiques, des données et leurs applications dans toutes les disciplines scientifiques ».
The CNRS and Imperial College London (Imperial) are launching a joint call for projects «  PhD joint program »
in the fields of ‘Mathematics, data and their applications across all areas of science ’.

Imperial CNRS PhD joint programme
This call aims at recruiting ten PhD fellows on five joint research projects. 
Two PhD fellowships (of three years), one at the CNRS and one at Imperial, will be awarded to each selected project.
Call open date: November 15th, 2019
Call closing date: January 20th, 2020

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